Mickey, Mocha, Maude and miracles

My holiday week was a bit on the chaotic side, with family members visiting the coastside, every day Christmas commitments, Mocha drifting between comatose and perky, Mickey finding a home (!) and a new tabby who showed up at the parking lot, a sweet little lady I started calling Little Maude.


She is a petite little thing, and thanks to Caitlin’s portable microchip scanner, we learned that she had been spayed at Main Street Vet, but that no one had ever really owned her. Her medical records gave her name as “stray,” which tells me she was a TNR (trap-neuter-release), but none of this explains how she became so sweet, so tame, without every having had a home. She is eight years old, and I’d say she’s overdue for some TLC.

But my inn is full!! As is Caitlin’s. So I guess she’ll have to remain a parking lot kitty for the meantime. It bothers me to see ANY kitty living in those conditions, but those who could be lap cats especially. For now, Little Maude will just have to get a few minutes of TLC from me each day.

And this week, Mickey goes to his new home!! Thank heavens (or at least one saint) for Facebook, and the powers of connections: someone I know on FB posted Mickey’s information, and his friend Nancy replied: “Uh oh.” She had been cat-free for a year, since losing two geriatric cats, and knew the right cat would show up at the right time. Seeing Mickey, she knew the time was now.  🙂

I shall miss his sunny, shy presence, and his gorgeous silky fur (so transformed from the thin, matted coat he had on Sept. 1 when I trapped him) but he needs someone to give him a lot more attention than I’m able to.

In the meantime, I marvel at watching Mocha’s journey. So feisty one day, so exhausted and spent the next, I pray for the guidance to know when her time truly comes.

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2 Responses to Mickey, Mocha, Maude and miracles

  1. Nancy Yamahiro says:

    Jane, I am so profoundly grateful for your rescue of Mickey and sweet loving care and medical attention you provided. You are so right, I saw his picture on FB and knew in the way a cat lover knows that we would be great great friends. He currently is hiding behind the toilet (you just left) but I have broken out the wet food and will be very patient for this shy boy to feel at home. You are forever welcome to stop by and visit. I am deeply indebted to you. Thank you.

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