Other Writing

Some of Jane’s favorite freelance stuff

Spirituality & Health story about discovering rescue work

In Vanity Fair online: a piece from the Sundance Film Festival about the making of the movie Howl, with James Franco

Jane’s archives from HuffingtonPost

Jane was honored when one of her favorite musicians, Jay Farrar, asked her to help bring his own memoir to fruition with coaching and editing. Falling Cars and Junkyard Dogs was the happy result. 

A cover story for Spirituality & Health about looking at plastic surgery through a spiritual lens, was reprinted in Utne.

See archive of Jane’s Spirituality & Health stories 

Some of the thousands of pieces she wrote during her newspaper career can be found by Googling. She is embarrassed by most of them. 

Jane has also written three screenplays in the last 15 years—a process she hugely enjoyed as she is a movie fanatic! She still thinks they’re pretty good—especially the one about SF’s Emperor Norton—and plans to post them soon to a website for screenplays. 

She loved this article she wrote for Harper’s Bazaar—“The Cougar Allure.”
